Our love story

Publié par HopToBeParents

Our love story

We met in 2003 at the University. Saïd wanted to become auditor and Anne-Lise school teacher.

Why Saïd felt in love

She was so pretty with her blue eyes and her blond hairs.She looked like intelligent, cultivated, curious, happy and enjoyed life.

I just immediately wanted to spend my life with her. And that's what I've done.

When she told me about her "problem", It was an evidence for me I would struggle with her to become a father.

Why Anne-Lise felt in love

The day I met him Said was so nice in his costume.

He was always laughing and looked at me with loving eyes. I could not resist ...

When I told him I had no uterus anymore, I knew he would be the father of my children.

Our love story
Our love story
Our love story

Publié dans Our love story

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